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  • Set of 3 Pocket Fans – No more mid-life Flashes!

Set of 3 Pocket Fans – No more mid-life Flashes!

Original price was: $15.95.Current price is: $12.95.

Hey girlfriend, believe me when I tell you that I know what it’s like: You get all dressed up in that gorgeous dress and meet him for dinner. You toast that perfect glass of wine knowing that he can’t take his eyes off of you. Suddenly you feel it, bubbling up from the inside. Your face is starting to flush. Your breath is heavy. Your skin is damp. Your dress is getting soaked down your back. HOT FLASH! You push your hair back away from your face, you secretly kick off your shoes under the table, and you wrap your hands around your glass of ice water – all attempts to cool down and return to normal. Does he notice? Darn – will someone please crank up the air conditioner? You calmly excuse yourself from the table and act like you’re going to the ladies loo, while you actually sneak outside to put your bare feet into the snow. Aaahhhh!

Hey girlfriend, believe me when I tell you that I know what it’s like: You get all dressed up in that gorgeous dress and meet him for dinner. You toast that perfect glass of wine knowing that he can’t take his eyes off of you. Suddenly you feel it, bubbling up from the inside. Your face is starting to flush. Your breath is heavy. Your skin is damp. Your dress is getting soaked down your back. HOT FLASH! You push your hair back away from your face, you secretly kick off your shoes under the table, and you wrap your hands around your glass of ice water – all attempts to cool down and return to normal. Does he notice? Darn – will someone please crank up the air conditioner? You calmly excuse yourself from the table and act like you’re going to the ladies loo, while you actually sneak outside to put your bare feet into the snow. Aaahhhh!

Ok, so a bit dramatic. But we all know what its like. Indoors or out, Summer or Winter, day or night. Those dreaded hot flashes come and go on their own schedule and often during your best moments. What to do?

Over the years I tried everything. I had a little portable battery-operated fan that I carried around for awhile. But it was just plain over-obvious, and cumbersome at that. I was told once that if you place a glass of ice cold water between your wrists, it will help to cool your blood as it travels back from your hands into your body. I never knew if that actually helped because I would always end up downing that lusciously soothing ice water before it could be of significant use to my blood!

Well, I can’t cure them, but perhaps I can offer a tiny bit of relief. I found these tiny little hand fans and I keep them everywhere: my purse, backpack, the car, etc. I was recently in Santorini on a little transport boat. It was plain old bloody hot and humid on the sea that day. Everyone on the boat looked like they were sufferng from hot flashes! I took out one of these little fans, popped it open and began to fan air across my face as my fellow passengers looked on in wonder. The man across from me was astonished. He said “Wow that’s pretty neat. Where can I get one of those? I want it for my wife. She gets hot all the time!” So I gave him mine and showed him how to stuff it back into its tiny little sac. He said the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time: “I think I’ll keep this in my pocket, and bring it out when I see that she needs it.” Wow!! What a great guy!  I guess in the old days, men would carry a handkerchief in their pocket just in case it was needed. But now? I think that offering up a little hand fan to ease her discomfort is a really wonderful gesture, a gesture of true love. And god knows that we can never get enough of those!

I’ve put 3 of these little gems in a tidy little box and decorated them with a gold ribbon. Toss them into your bag, your pocket, or share them with a girlfriend. They weigh nearly nothing and take up no space in your bag. I keep one stowed in the lipstick pocket in my purse.


Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

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